Checking over my site stats, I wanted to know which posts you thought were the best, which ones you shared, which ones got the most attention and here they are! The Top 5 posts of 2013! Thank you for reading and your fantastic support!
#5 Antidotes for the Green-Eyed: How to Handle Jealousy
…envy glorifies ME, but it’s self-defeating, meaning that we put ourselves and our needs over all else that we soon fall into self-loathing instead of feeling superior.
But when we’re steeped in bubbling envy, it’s just not possible to see all this. Or maybe feel all this. It’s a powerful poison that can course through a soul; but thank God that there are antidotes that can bring us back to the light of charitable, honest regard for ourselves and others…
#4 The Return of Frugal February & God’s Advice on Money
Without God, our financial books would be a disaster and we’d be in a terrible mess; goodness, sometimes the mess comes anyway, but practicing prudence and seeking wisdom through prayer, sacrifice, and trimming the fat from our budget always seem to bring us back. I think that’s why I was so scared of money until I learned about it…
#3 Southern Hospitality: 4 Tips on this Must-Have for Every Marriage
Amid the colorful life down here is a sweetness I can’t explain, and it’s not just the tea. So I was thinking – could I transfer some of that Southern Sweetness to a life of wedded bliss?? The answer – a resounding YES – and what I’m developing is something I’d like to call Married Hospitality…
#2 Husbands See What Wives Reveal
What do we reveal to our husbands? Sweetness or bitterness? Mercy or impatience? Do we act as conduits of God’s love or do we stand in the way of it? …What I’d rather [Andrew] see is a woman who holds the peace of Christ within herself, outside of the whirlwind of domestic chaos…A deliberate marriage is a pillar of strength. There is romance and spontaneity, sensitivity and eager support for and from each other. It’s here that husband and wife are safe from the world because their sacrament is founded on and nurtured by the love of God. Living love on purpose sounds glorious, doesn’t it?
And #1 in the last year was…(drum roll please)…
The Mission of Money & the Single Income Marriage!
…Others might save much more on a regular basis, but I was pretty proud of myself since the whole coupon/smart-shopping idea used to intimidate me…In my chatty glow, it occurred to me that I waxed so merrily about my savings because I wanted Andrew to know that I was being a good steward of his income – a wife who doesn’t take advantage, but has learned to deeply appreciate his work and reaping…
Here’s to another year of writing! Again, thanks for reading and your wonderful support!