I’m not the first to give laud to Verily Magazine, but praise is more than deserved for this refreshingly REAL publication. Established as a women’s lifestyle mag, Verily stands on its own feet high above its checkout counterparts, Cosmo, People, Seventeen, and the like. What makes it so strikingly different? A simple presentation of honesty in every article and every photo, so raw and true that they boldly claim a No Photoshop Policy. That’s right – Verily models are real career women and real stay-at-home moms who are made beautiful by God, not an air brush.
Here’s the gist from the founders themselves:
Verily is a new kind of women’s magazine: one that celebrates the best of who you are. We feature fashion that is worthy of the woman, relationship articles that go beyond sex tips, and strong cultural and lifestyle journalism. Verily is the modern woman’s go-to guide on how to lead a fulfilling, integrated life. (from verilymag.com)
In this rare effort is advice on everything feminine from fashion to relationships, and I can’t emphasize the word rare enough; while our culture screams ME ME ME, overtly fascinated by sex and a life lived recklessly, there seems to be a virtuous song hovering above the clanging gong of society. Verily tells me to be honest, to serve others, to seek to understand over being understood, to know my own dignity, and at the height of it all, that I’m already beautiful. Women, according to the founders, don’t have to chase after any of this. How perfectly counter-cultural. How perfectly supportive and encouraging. Verily is everything that those other magazines just aren’t.
My friend Kate put it best:
Rarely have I read a magazine cover to cover, and even more amazing, rarely has every article, picture, advertisement been appropriate, tasteful, important, and addressed to me AS I AM, and not AS I SHOULD BE.
All I can say is FINALLY!
A subscription is $22/year and considering that Christmas is a mere 47 days away, you might consider it for the best friend, daughter, or sister in your life. I’m telling you now, it’s at the top of my list and I’m dying to dive in.
chantal says
how do you subscribe to this magazine?
Katie Sciba says
Of course! How silly of me – you can subscribe HERE.
chantal says
well ,i’ve just subscribed, looking forward to receive my magazine