My husband wrote a pretty compelling piece at Truth & Charity, commenting that we seek God’s voice in extraordinary places. So often we want some sort of big-production, miraculous sign from God or we want to hear His voice booming from parting clouds; what would you do if something like that happened to you? Would you be more compelled to live what God asks of you? Or will you humbly accept that His calling comes by way of the absolutely ordinary?
Andrew writes:
Have you ever stared at a crucifix, waiting – almost daring – for Jesus to speak to you through the image? Or recalling the story of Elijah, listening intently in a gentle breeze for the voice of God? Ever been disappointed that you haven’t seen the sun dance or been able to walk on water?
Yeah – me neither… er, wait…
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that most Christians have at one time or another searched for a miraculous encounter with the Divine. I don’t suppose it’s unreasonable for a person of faith to expect the Subject of their faith, Who loves them, to reach out of the Heavens in an undeniable way that may or may not be demonstrable to other people. Yet, how often do we find ourselves the focus of such a unique brand of God’s attention? I’d hazard to say, rarely. Continue reading to see a preview of the movie Noah starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson…