I am PROUD to introduce to the world my new, challenging money-saving game! It will strike up healthy competition between you and your spouse while keeping your checking in the black! Introducing Don’t Spend a Penny!
The objective is to stretch your dollars across more blocks on the calendar by avoiding frivolous spending throughout the day, thereby fostering more resourcefulness and development of your own personal character. For example: While taking Liam for a drive, I started to crave an icy, caramely something and excitedly made my way over to Starbucks; however, while en route, I remembered that Andrew and I were playing against each other in Don’t Spend a Penny and I thought, “I bet a could enhance this drive with some good country music as much as I could with a caramel frappaccino.” So I hit the tunes and kept my drive going, without spending $4 for 2 minutes of coffee.
What are your ideas? Let me know how you decide to play!
I try to go as many days as I can w/o spending a penny…then I try to go longer w/o spending the next round! I went four days last week…going for five this week!
The Tight Wad Gazette — read it, you will fall in love w/ frugality. It helps so much!