Andrew’s been waking me early every morning. A little nudge and a “Were you going to pray?” I croak “Mm hmm.” He goes to a corner of our room, Bible in-hand, and spends time with the Lord before the monkeys get up.
We’ve been talking about this – how we should “parallel pray” before the kids wake, before we start the day.
And because there’s zero pretense here at TCW, I’ll tell you my response has been underwhelming; I mumble a Hail Mary or half a Morning Offering before I convince myself that what Jesus really wants for me is sleep. Right?? I mean I’m tired, in-demand, pregnant, we’ve had a load of life changes, and chances are I stayed up late for Me Time.
Twenty minutes of dozing later, there’s a stampede of smallish feet headed for our bedroom door.
Jesushelpme. Amen. I’m up!
“Mooooooom! Where are my undies??”
“Mama I need bweakfast. Do we have cookies?”
“Can we watch a show?!”
Spills. Tears. Tantrums. And the kids are worse.
After a blur of daytime hours, we get the kids down and I’m ready to cry from the emotional exhaustion. Same plans to Sorta Pray tomorrow.
“You know,” Andrew prodded me, “Jesus told me to sit up when I pray in the morning because I kept going back to sleep.” Point taken. (And I’m loving his initiative on this.)
I really fought for it today – the peaceful start I’ve been dreaming of.
The alarm I rarely hear went off. Andrew prompted as he daily does, “Do you want to pray?” but unlike mornings prior, I bolted up and reached for my Small Steps for Catholic Moms and Unbound. Andrew’s Bible pages turned in the background as I approached the Lord myself.
I breathed and rested in Jesus, who I knew at once had been waiting for me.
I went over the forthcoming hours in my head, asking God to help me be generous to my children, supportive and encouraging to Andrew, and sweetly charitable in all circumstances. I wanted to receive the life in our home and respond with love.
I should mention that I have been finding all of the above – shall we say challenging. Downright impossible in some cases.
But this one morning of prayer was absolutely transformative. I was sweeter with the kids and we laughed together all day long . I surprised Andrew with a cinnamon roll (his favorite) and hazelnut coffee (also favorite) from Panera, leaving them right where he’d find them next to a jotted YOU CAN DO IT note. I was productive around our basement-apartment and cheerful.
I felt unburdened by life. Unburdened.
Most of the time I feel dry, taxed, weighed upon; that adult-wife-mama sensation we get.
But I see clearly that juggling the stress, to-dos, babies, and marriage without solid time with the Lord greys the brightness of each blessing. It turns them into burdens and makes us feel like they suck our life away instead of us joyfully giving ourselves to them.
Jesus had been waiting to relieve me of this – I just had to draw near.
And if, as daughters made in the Image and Likeness, we’re supposed to imitate the Lord in his responses to life and people, then being in direct, intentional, vulnerable conversation with him will sharpen that imitation.
In prayer, I give my burdens and ask for the grace to see blessings.
So here’s to the start of something new – the start of being made new. I have every intention of keeping up with Andrew’s prompting, which is absolutely the Holy Spirit working through my husband to get to me; and I can’t wait for how a build-up of days and days of Jesus in the morning will change our world.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)
Amy says
I had a similar experience as you. But, man, now I hate missing my morning prayer time. It charges my whole day. When I don’t get it, I notice, just like you talked about.
shelly says
I have very much been in the camp of “Jesus needs me to be a rested momma!” recently. It is very difficult to talk myself into getting up, before the kids, to pray. This post reminds me how very important it is to do so, and that my family will benefit from my early mornings. Thanks for the encouragement.
Katie Sciba says
Such a cozy, relaxing camp to be in! 😉 but knowing how super pregnant you are, Ma’am, I’d say physical rest could be a holy experience for you. Praying for you every day.
Kristi @ Hail Marry Blog says
Yes. Just so much yes! I feel like I could’ve written this post, lol! Especially today, when I was up late last night. Such beautiful honesty in this post. Gotta love that Bible verse, too. Thank you!
Katie Sciba says
Thank YOU, Kristi!! I’m such a night owl, so it’s a challenge to shake off sleep, but I know now that I need it.
Dorothy says
I have just begun waking up early to pray and encouraging my husband too, as well. It has been so inspiring to me hearing of other mom’s who are beginning to do that same. And you are totally right, the feeling of needing sleep over prayer is SO real, until you finally conquer and realize how much you needed the prayer.
Dorothy says
Gotta love the mom brain typos!
Katie Sciba says
Oh my goodness, isn’t it the truth? “Go back to sleep – you can’t give to your babies if you’re not rested.” And while that’s TOTALLY true, I can’t give to my babies if I’m not rested in the Lord. God bless, Dorothy!!
Lis says
Katie, this is so lovely. It is obvious you’re getting a lot out of your mornings. Here’s to peaceful morning moments. <3
Katie Sciba says
Peaceful morning moments 🙂 How few, but how PRECIOUS, they are 😉 Haha! Thanks Lis!!