I say so much more to my family with my life and how I spend it – my reactions, my goals, the little things that occupy my time – than my speech could touch. And I suppose St. Madeleine’s wisdom here is another perfect examination of conscience. How do my friends, my husband, my children react to me? Do I present a woman trustworthy and confident in her walk with God? Or am I afraid, hesitant, and aloof?
My nearly-6 year-old called me out the other day. He was trying to get my attention, but I was online and halfway oblivious dishing out, “I’ll be there in a minute”s and “not now”s. He stood by me and declared matter-of-factly, “Mama, you spend too much time on your computer.” Oooo, that hurt.
Because the truth does.
I snapped my computer shut, looked into his baby blues, and said, “You’re so right.” I got up and walked away from the table, leaving my computer behind. Pulling my biggest boy into my lap, I apologized and told him that he and his siblings are more important. Then we read stories.
It’s a distraction, my computer. My work is online. I have a full plate. But the center of my work is the domestic church – the family, the marriage, the graces – but if I’m losing focus on the particular family God bestowed upon me, then it’s time for a behavior change. I want my actions to speak eloquence to my family – I love you above all else. Nothing is more important than you. I want my husband to feel my support for him in addition to me telling him how he’s so awesome. “People need to feel that they are loved,” Pope Francis once said.
What do you say with your actions to the people in your life? What are the things – even the good ones – that pull you away from God’s will for you for that moment?
Lord Jesus, please show me what you desire of me and give me the courage to follow through. I want my actions to speak eloquently of your love, especially your love for the souls you’ve placed in my care. Change me so your life is revealed in mine. Amen.
Thank you to my fantastic, wonderful, steadfast friend Rochelle for sending me this heavenly line!
Do you have a quote from a saint you’d like to see here? Email me at katie{at}thecatholicwife{dot}net.
See the Monday Morning with the Saints Pinterest Board for more wisdom.
Ooh! I love that quote! And it’s so true… especially in front of those that watch us because we’re Christians.
YES!!!! So so true! That whole “They’ll know we are Christians by our love” thing 😉
I have not “met” St. Madeleine yet but she sounds lovely. I’ll add her on my list of Heavenly friends to make this year! This is such a good reminder. It’s so easy to get sucked in by the internet and all the online To Do’s. This is especially hard for me when I just plain don’t feel like doing the kid things. But it doesn’t matter what I feel, I need to serve them anyways.
Fresh out of high school I visited my old youth minister in Paris, who was in the process of changing religious congregations to the Society of the Sacred Heart (the order St. Madeline started). She took me to visit St. Madeline’s house and learn about her history, it was such an amazing journey! She is a great saint and an amazing woman.