There’s such a thrill to being the only one awake.
It’s 4:30 and I just put the baby back down to sleep. It’s tempting to stay up and start the day in this kind of peace, knowing I’ll be a total zombie by 9 if I do, but Jesus and coffee sustain, right?? I know that’s in scripture somewhere.
Just a quick note to say that once again, I’m humbled and honored to be on Faith and Good Counsel Radio Show! Today at 3:30 CDT, we’ll be talking about financial and marital peace, two words that don’t go together for many couples. You can listen live at Catholic Community, where you’ll find a media player at the bottom of the home page OR if you’re in South Louisiana, turn that dial to AM 1380 Baton Rouge, 690 New Orleans.
God bless, you guys!
“God does not inspire us to do what cannot be done.” St. Therese Lisieux
[…] Financial & Marital Peace radio interview […]