This Lent I’ve been receiving daily reflections from Fr. Robert Barron. This one just HIT me right in the soul – the most valuable things worth pursuing have nothing to do with wealth and acquiring more stuff. Read the excerpt from Fr. Barron and click Continue for the rest.
They are some of the harshest, most shocking words that Jesus speaks in the Gospels: “Anyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”
Why do these words sound so counter-intuitive? Because ever since we were children, the culture has drilled the reverse into us. You’re not happy because you don’t have all the things you want to have. You will be happy only when you have so much money, or so big a house, or so much respect. You might not be happy now, but some day you might be if you acquire the right things.
And what follows from this? Life becomes a constant quest to get, to attain possessions. Continue reading…
Heather says
Katie – I felt the same way when I read the email and have been thinking a lot about what he said as well! I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone expound on that passage in such a way as Fr Barron did (not surprising!). Glad you shared with those who may not be getting his emails…I was considering doing the same. Hope the rest of your Holy Week is good!