Hey Readers! Check out the new Christmas Shopping corner on The Catholic Wife, highlighting two of my favorite sites, Ebates and Amazon.
Sign up with Ebates for free to receive a percentage back of your online shopping. Since creating my account a couple years ago, I’ve earned $150+ cash back. Regardless if your budget is tight or not-so-tight, getting money back for the purchase you were already going to make is a nice bonus, PLUS Ebates doubles the percentage of hundreds of retailers during the holidays. Even if you get a Shopping Cart going on a site, you can go back to it finding the store through Ebates. Click HERE or the button to the right to get started – you’ll love it.
What are you shopping for? Snow skis? A new coffee maker? Amazon gives Andrew, our little fellas, and me a percentage of any amount spent if you shop through my link. Just click and shop per usual. That’s it – no other steps involved and no further cost. I’m a huge fan of “every little bit helps” especially this time of year, and would be just delighted and grateful if you used the link or my Amazon button. Bookmark it for future shopping and you’ll help our growing family effortlessly!
Happy Christmas shopping!