______________________________________________________________________ FACT #1: Life is easier when I decide to be happy. FACT #2: Misery abounds when I pick discontentment over joy. I don’t know what my gig was – maybe I felt like the only human trapped in the monkey house, maybe I need more time in prayer (…not maybe) – but I […]
The Key to Closeness with Christ
This Lent I’ve been receiving daily reflections from Fr. Robert Barron. This one just HIT me right in the soul – the most valuable things worth pursuing have nothing to do with wealth and acquiring more stuff. Read the excerpt from Fr. Barron and click Continue for the rest. They are some of the harshest, […]
Count It Joy: How to Trudge through the Rest of Lent
By Jill Kotrba I like to think of myself as a simple person. Not too much ruffles my feathers or gets me worked into a tizzy but when it does, you had better duck. We all know the mile markers on the way to our own personal Meltdown City. Mine usually involve screaming kids, burnt […]
When Praying Together is Awkward
It might be awkward and you might not know how to do it; but the importance of prayer with your husband can’t be overestimated. For advice and help, read “‘The Couple Who Prays Together’ …Easier Said Than Done”. The Lord who multiplied the loaves and fish with accept your humble offering and make it holy. […]
6 Tips to Karate Chop Writer’s Block
Blogging is not an easy gig. I love it. It drives me; but (full disclosure) there are days when I struggle with A) conjuring substance for a fresh piece or B) mustering the energy to sit down to articulate a developed reflection. While lately I’ve been at war with the latter, there have been big, […]
Knowing My Enemy & Equipping for Battle
The Christian life is a battle and I’m lately learning the importance of knowing one’s enemy. I’ve felt a under attack over the past several months. It feels that every corner I turn, Satan lurks waiting to hiss doubt and selfishness into my ear. Coming most often in the forms of resentment, suspicion, and feelings […]
WoWW: Fr. Barron on the Childfree Life, Spiritual Dryness
Fr. Robert Barron makes a fantastic, one-way spiritual director. I would love a regular meeting with him because I’m sure he would provide merciful, firm insight to my faith life and soul. The star of this week’s Words of Wisdom, Fr. Barron offers comment on the elected childfree life (i.e. one not connected to infertility) […]
The Protector of the Holy Family
Today begins the novena to St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus Christ and protector of the Holy Family. We all pick up habits, mannerisms, and approaches to life from our parents; isn’t it marvelous knowing God chose St. Joseph for Christ to grow up imitating? And too, that he was chosen to be the […]
Cultivating Religious Vocations within the Domestic Church
My freshmen year at Benedictine College, one of my closest friends delighted us all with news that he was headed for the seminary. A young man with strong devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Blessed Mother, Chris’s talents were in making people laugh and making people pray. His convictions were contagious and […]
Happy World Marriage Day!
Almighty and eternal God, you have so exalted the unbreakable bond of marriage that it has become the sacramental sign of your Son’s union with the Church as his spouse. Look with favor on us your servants, whom you have united in marriage, as we ask for your help and the protection of the Virgin […]