I sat in the cafe of a book store, sipping an iced mocha and perusing the conversation-piece selection – Would You Rather..? A Bazillion Places to See Before You Die, etc. I was bored and glancing around hopeful for something interesting on my ticking lunch break when my eyes fell upon 14,000 Things to Be […]
Catholics and Boycotting – Where are the lines?
I wasn’t planning on writing this post for a while, but after receiving an on-air challenge from John Paul Summers at The Missionary Family (TMF), I felt pretty compelled to dive in. Considering the podcast’s audience of who-knows-how-many Catholics and the fact that he mentioned The Catholic Wife specifically, it’s not really something I can ignore! […]
Maintaining Dominion as Excellent Stewards of the Earth
We’re on the brink of June and summertime is already in full swing here in Louisiana! Cicadas are buzzing, fireflies glowing, and to hail the bloom of the season, we’ve been spending more time in the yard, sprucing it up and tossing any clutter. Very early in my educational career, taking good care of the […]
How Great Thou Art!
Our world has so many issues. Life, Marriage, Freedom, and Catholicism at large are all under terrible attack. Amid the distress and spiritual fatigue, let us have hope in the Lord’s perfect will and His omnipotence and “bow humble adoration and then proclaim, ‘My God! How great Thou art!’”
Angelic Sweetness
I have a spiritual accountability partner (henceforth referred to as SAP). Like many souls, my drive and motivation tend to fluctuate and I can’t tell you how this girl helps keep my heart above water. We check up on each other every few weeks and though our discussion frequently strays from the spiritual to the […]
Obey your thirst
I’m thirsty. I mean strangely and urgently thirsty. I could go for a tall drink of water at just about any given moment and until my thirst is quenched, I am fixed on getting another refill. It’s been going on for a while and could be part of pregnancy or just southern summer living; but […]
What’s not to love?
I make no secret of the fact that I’m crazy about my husband. That he’s sweet to me, that he’s hilarious, or that we have a super-high-quality relationship. Andrew and I are the best of friends and he’s my favorite person on the face of the earth for a whole SLEW of reasons. … don’t worry, I […]
Life Labored & Laden
Life sure gets busy doesn’t it? We excitedly moved into very own house a year ago in June and since then, we’ve been waiting with bright, hopeful eyes (maybe it’s just been me) for life to settle down and slip into some state of normalcy. Uhh…yeah right. Owning a home, it seems, involves more financial demand […]
Not a total Black-Out, but a Great Minimalization
The yearly struggle with what to sacrifice for Lent came as expected. Facebook? The whole Internet? There’s no doubt about it that it’s the computer that I allow to stand in the way of my becoming a more disciplined person. I get so irked when others spend too much time online. And then I realized […]
This & That
I couldn’t think of any one topic I wanted to digest, so here are a bunch of little thoughts: Daily Ritual I have attained the discipline to become a daily-Masser. Andrew has been just wonderful in helping me achieve the motivation to counter any personal hesitation. On the days when I don’t have the virtue to […]