We hadn’t met. I hadn’t seen his face or heard his name. We wouldn’t go on a date for another 7 years, but I was just 12 years old when I fell for Andrew. As a kid, I was perpetually wide-eyed and open-eared to my big sister Jen. Whatever she said was gold and I took […]
Interview on The Right Heart Podcast!
Head on over to The Right Heart Podcast today where my BBF (Best Blogging Friend) Erin Franco and I chat about Andrew’s and my financial challenges in our marriage – wisdom we received at the start, failures, and why giving is so so important to the heart of every marriage. I’m thrilled to have been a guest […]
Eyes on the Prize – Thoughts on the SCOTUS Ruling
The recent Supreme Court ruling was… eye-widening. I won’t dive into how the SCOTUS can’t legally do what they did, or casually mention that male and female bodies are totally and completely oriented toward “bonding and babies” so no other union participates in God’s plan for creation, or the fact that Facebook has blown up in obnoxious, […]
Three Rock-Solid Catholic Kids’ Books
Our family is developing a love affair with books, especially for the kids. We’re in a stage of binge reading and I’m also big into using them as a bribe when the fellas want to turn on the tube. I try collecting classics for them – books like Corduroy, Harry the Dirty Dog, and Little […]
The Big Perks of a Small House
I went through a period of disenchantment with our house a few years ago. I took a look around and could see only how impossibly small it was; I was frustrated trying to find space for kitchen towels or sets of sheets. Our place had no hope of holding the six of us then […]
Mrs. Minimalist – A Different Way to say Thank You
It’s PURGE WEEK (all caps because it’s that intense): that blissful institution of evaluating, purging, organizing, donating, and delighting in new space in our little house. I’m a growing minimalist (oxymoron?), drawn to a sort of material and temporal simplicity. It’s during PURGE WEEK that I methodically approach each room and evaluate what can stay and what’s no longer […]
Faith & Good Counsel radio interview!
I’ve been blessed with now four(!) opportunities to speak on the Faith & Good Counsel Show on South Louisiana’s Catholic Community Radio and my third and favorite interview thus far is airing TODAY. If you’re interested, tune in at 3:30 pm CDT to hear me speak about others’ reactions to our pregnancy announcements in the […]
Financial & Marital Peace
After years of scrimping, countless setbacks, and a handful of slip-ups, Andrew and I recently hit a major financial milestone in our marriage – completing an emergency fund by setting aside enough cash to equate three months of bare-bones expenses. I can hardly articulate the peace and sheer bliss that took over once the last […]
Advice for a Blushing Bride
My best friend Erin is GETTING MARRIED!!!! By the time this post goes out, she will have been engaged for just over 12 hours and will undoubtedly still be glowing in the sparkle of her diamond. The world of wedding and marriage prep is a vast one and so I’m asking you, fabulous readers, to […]