Happy Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton! The word fierce comes to mind. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a powerful witness in her work. She was a passion-driven wife, mother, and educator who was able to see and experience at least some of the people she impacted. The Holy Spirit was absolutely upon this woman. […]
Your Faves in 2015
It’s been a fantastic year. A new site born from your requests and my leap to take writing more seriously. The launch of my speaking career and vlogs. The announcement of a new book in the works – written by and with a team of amazing fellow Catholic wives. Behind the scenes and in our lives, I […]
Video: Breaking Down Walls and Building Intimacy
Vlog episode 3! One of the most moving and important aspects of Christ’s birth is one that can save our marriages. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more episodes; they are also posted under the Vlog link on The Catholic Wife!
VIDEO: Stewardship, Spouses, & Service
Vlog Episode 2! Two points about marriage and money that are absolutely inseparable. All videos are finished by my husband, Andrew “Stellar Producer” Sciba 😉 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more episodes; they are also posted under the Vlog link on The Catholic Wife!
Monday Morning with the Saints {no. 22 – St. Josemaria}
This is so good for me to read as an individual, but taking it to my life with Andrew straightens my slouch and gives me more gusto for giving this sacrament everything I’ve got. I have to choose. This quote was taken from one of his homilies on a first Sunday of Advent. St. Josemaria saves the […]
VIDEO: Ep. 1 Thanksgiving for the Tired
Episode 1 from my Vlog! More episodes to come on my YouTube Channel and they’ll also be posted under the new Vlog link on The Catholic Wife! Thank you for your support! Please pray that I say what the Holy Spirit wills. Extra special thanks to my generous Producer Husband for making this happen!
The Scibas take on the Big Easy (and other news)
This is just plain exciting, sweet friends. I’m thrilled to announce that I will be offering a Lenten parish mission in New Orleans this spring! The mission, which will focus on the domestic church – Jesus Christ, marriage, children and then some, will be at Mater Dolorosa. I’ve accepted pastor Rev. Herb Kiff’s gracious invitation and I’m […]
Joyful Homemaking & Channeling Your Inner Charlotte Lucas
“Oh Lizzie, it’s SUCH a pleasure to run my own home!” Hands down, my favorite line from Joe Wright’s Pride & Prejudice, delivered with freedom felt by the fresh-off-the-market Charlotte (Lucas) Collins. As a new bride in a new apartment with a new husband, I exuded every ounce of Charlotte Lucas Joy imaginable. I put flowers on the mantle, […]
How Your Husband Can Make You Totally Happy
Today I’m just thrilled to feature Annie Deddens on The Catholic Wife! Annie and her husband John-Paul started and currently run the wonderful Pray More Novenas ministry and Annie write at her own blog Catholic Wife, Catholic Life offering her own thoughts as well as syndicating others’. Written by Featured Guest, Annie Deddens One of the most harmful […]
The Thrill of the Dull & Mundane Life
Vocation involves monotony; there is so much sameness played on repeat; work and sleep without much in between, and I tell you what, I have been really feeling this reality lately. The moment my toes touch the floor, the morning is hurried and the rest of the day thrown together. The kids are my alarm as I […]