This one’s for you, Mom 😉
There are certain truths I’ve been told and believed my whole life: God is love. God is my rock. To follow Christ is to be consequently joyful in all circumstances, even suffering. God has a plan for me TODAY. God provides. God showers graces. Perfect love casts out fear. These truths have been woven into my heart and experiences for as long as I can remember; and, especially recently, I see how they have been instrumental.
Thank the good Lord for these simple and concrete bits of wisdom – without them, I’d be a total mess. From the basic domestic environment to the sidewalks outside of the abortion clinic and through hearing about others’ sufferings, I’ve been faced with another truth, yet this one slightly daunting: life is hard. The most challenging aspect I’ve found in my few years is overcoming myself to give selflessly and love others  – {God is love}; but over the past couple months, I have become privy to the crosses of countless others. So many in fact, that I made a lengthy list so I could remember each person and his or her burden and wondered how any of these obstacles would be conquered – {God provides.}Â
On another note, I feel compelled to participate more in pro-life movement, specifically to work against abortion. I attended a talk Friday night which featured Elizabeth McClung (nationally recognized sidewalk counselor) and then prayed at the local abortion clinic with her the next morning. I’m new to the sidewalk – I was part of pro-life chains as a kid and I had prayed at an abortion clinic once before so the emotions and horror of it are still very, very fresh to me; never before have I been so unglued and unsure of myself – {God is my rock.} To be honest, I approach most of the things I do with confidence and ability. Even in somewhat unfamiliar circumstances, I feel capable of rising to the occasion to achieve whatever is necessary. When it comes to writing, praying, being a wife and mother, etc. I feel armed with belief that I can do it, not necessarily pridefully so, but sure that I’ll figure out what to do and how. Not on the sidewalk, though. Standing in front of the abortion clinic, clutching my rosary, I was speechless and disabled. Totally disarmed. I felt like I didn’t know how to pray and I certainly didn’t know what to say to any of the 30+ women who walked into the clinic that day. I couldn’t help noticing the stark contrast between Elizabeth and me – a car would pull up and immediately she was ready with a pamphlet and a smile and she charitably invited the women and their companions to come speak with us – {To follow Christ is to be joyful…} I, on the other hand, was stunned to silence – too scared to say anything for fear that, in my inexperience and ignorance as to how to approach this situation, I would drive the women away – {Perfect love casts out fear.} Oh terrifying, staunch, inescapable humility! For the first time in a long time, I was struck with facing an evil that I knew was over my head. Emotionally exhausted and hopeless, I wonder how I’ll ever be helpful in the fight against abortion – {God showers graces.}Â
My mom has always been a steady witness to the faith in my life and it was she who persisted with these comforting truths during my tiny-in-hindsight obstacles. They most assuredly offered me consolation then, but I’m finding a much grander safety in them now that the obstacles feel larger than life itself.
Here in Northern Louisiana (and all over the world), the 40 Days for Life campaign officially starts on Wednesday, the 26th! See the site for more information about a 40 Days campaign near you and how you can help care for the mothers, fathers, and unborn children who are the recipients of our prayers! Also, please keep the employees, nurses, counselors, and abortionists in your prayers as well – they are our brothers and sisters in Christ and we need to actively love them as such!
Jacinta Radl says
I feel overwhelmed by your post this morning. I have been in the fight against abortion with a similar fear but have been praying for the strength to do more. There is no act that can bring me to tears faster than the thought of countless, innocent children losing their lives in such a horrific way. I have done extensive research throughout my childhood and adult life on abortion and I feel I have a lot to offer, however. There is something that holds me back from speaking out about it more. I have done many things in the fight for life (although not nearly enough) but it wasn’t til your post this morning that I realized all I have done has been in silence out of fear. I feel that God has been slowly preparing me to step outside of my comfort zone and reach out to those in need. So I thank you so much for this wonderful post and for bringing light to such an important movement. I feel inspired to do more during these 40 Day Of Life than I have in the past.
Vanessa L Browne Lowe says
Hi ! I am a pro life counselor at our local Planned Parenthood. I am often the reluctant counselor…. I pray my experience, strength and hope as a side walk counselor will inspire you and others to hit the street, in the best sense of the phrase. 🙂 How do I get over my resistance? I pray for the grace and courage and I suit up and I show up a couple days a week with signs, smiles and holy obedience to save a child from death and future children from the horror of contraception as well as many fallen away Catholics with rosaries hanging from their rear view mirrors that seemed quite surprised that “contraception” is a mortal sin. I educate and hand out material with laughter, frankness and encouragement to walk the narrow path to the gates of heaven. With that said, I continue to push down my feelings of fear, uncertainty and reluctance as I do battle at the front lines with guards with Colt 45’s strategically placed on their hips and cameras poised to catch me crossing the line or blocking traffic. I laugh in the face of this horrific evil as God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, discipline and a sound mind. (scripture paraphrased from Tim.)
I am a Catholic convert at age 43. I have always been pro life since
humble days as a truth seeking Protestant. Here’s a few tips to help you in your desire to help women and children choose life.
1. When cars are approaching, and you have a few moments to capture their attention, SMILE AND WAVE… it catches the driver off guard as they intuitively know they are soon to commit murder. I also use my hand and roll my wrists to try to get them to roll their window down. (Trust me it works.. ) They stop… I have my images and support material in hand and say, we have resources to help you.. YOUR SWEET BABY LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO LIVE! Turn your car around and we can talk about it… did you know your child will feel pain? Look at these images! Sometimes, the driver (boyfriend) will hit the gas pedal and zoom off.
2. The key to successful counseling is to be JOYFUL AND FRIENDLY AS you are grateful to God for the gift of life and you have people ready to step in and help in this difficult situation. Ask God to give you Holy Boldness…
3. If they ask why you are so happy and joyous, I tell them , I am
celebrating life! We are hear to give you options to help you and your
4. Yes, at times it can be overwhelming at times when you are cursed, judged,
threatened and spit upon, but stay focused and joyful!
5. I also hand out Dr. Laura’s love test… 25 questions regarding how to have a loving relationship. NO SEX before marriage. I often have dialogs with women who are going into the mill to receive birth control. I ask them the question, DO YOU LIKE GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY? They look very perplexed. Of course not.. .I say, you are bonding with your boyfriend and lose the ability to see clearly who he is because your sexual experience is nothing more than a feel good hit moment. It means NOTHING other than a random pleasurable act! You are LOVED SO MUCH AND GOD WANTS SO MUCH MORE FOR YOU THAN A FEEL GOOD HIT MOMENT.
6. NOW you have their attention. Share the gospel … hand out material to help them see how chastity protects them and helps them become whole and not a product of usefulness!
7. The key to being an effective counselor on the streets of an abortion mill in your community PRAY for the grace seeing these men and women as hungry for God… Don’t see yourself as better than.. but they actually have a great hunger for God! It is just misdirected passion.
I have seen the Father in heaven use me this self willed,prideful woman share my experience of faith with these women and men who want love and think a 10 second orgasm is what life is all about!
8. Invest in CD’s to hand out and evangelize. I buy in bulk CDs from the MARY FOUNDATION. The suggested donation is 1.00 per CD. Google Mary Foundation. I like giving out Confession by Father Richard and Marriage and the Eucharist by Christopher West.
9. Souls are hungry and very receptive to receiving literature.
10. RESIST the temptation that you are better than. As Thomas Kempis says, consider others even the worst of sinners, more HOLY than yourself. It will keep you in humility as you serve others.
11. Most important, if you see God using you to encourage another soul, or even talk a woman out of an abortion, quickly forget about your good work. It is so easy to be full of pride.. and think we are something..
REMEMBER THESE TRUTHS: Truth 1: for the GRACE OF GOD, GO I. Truth 2: I am capable at any time of committing a grave sin. STAY HUMBLE AND JOYFUL ALWAYS.. IT WILL ATTRACT MORE SOULS TO THE GOSPEL THAN A SCARED AND A BIT SELF RIGHTEOUS COUNSELOR nervously clutching her rosary beads.
12. PRAY THE ROSARY.. INDEED .. BUT WITH THE CONFIDENCE AND JOY.. ready to lay the beads down and share the joy of living and the grace of God available to help these women find joy in giving birth , despite their fears and anger.
If you want to ask me more questions or call me, I would be happy to share my pro life counseling materials with you : email me at
Vanessa L Browne Lowe..
Blessings and prayers for all you BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS SOULS WILLING TO SUIT UP AND SHOW UP with your fears and ambivalence! GO WITH GOD AND HIS JOY!!!
Mary Elizabeth says
Thank you for always being open (since early childhood) to God’s truth. He works through His people. I am grateful for the gift of you. I love you! Mom